Monday, October 21, 2013

Discover: The Start of A New Journey


I have created this blog, not only as a requirement, but also as a way to discover things about myself as well as learning things about photography. I have always had a deep interest in photography after my grandfather let me  use his old Polaroid one afternoon. Since the camera was old it turned the photos a little yellow. But the beauty in this memory wasn't about the photos I had taken, it was the idea of discover. The idea and feeling that the world and could speak through this one little square and that my thoughts could be captured for eternity with the press of a button. This feeling that consumed me as I pressed that button, could only be described as the feeling of discovering. I can only hope that on this journey that the feeling of discover with consume this project. 
"The process of discovery is, in effect, a continual flight from wonder."
-Albert Einstein